
Week 3:

Guest speakers : Joe Hallock, Ethel Xu, Rui Wu

Thus far my knowledge on these topics or the work they’d entail is limited so my thoughts on this specific topic may be a touch lacking.

When it comes to design, I’ve only heard from people who fall somewhere on the left side x axis of the board. 

My friend’s dad makes airport signs for SeaTac, and I have a family friend who has done their time in Microsoft and now has a pretty high spot in adobe— 

I’ve given a little thought, but not much that can truly guide me quite yet.

I’ve always enjoyed food related content as well as consuming fashion content, to me it’s where there is more creativity, and it deeply interacts with niches of people which is something I find rather interesting. However, I’ve never had any passion or confidence on entering those fields, so I’ve imagined myself ending up in one of the larger companies like Microsoft or Google upon graduation. They speak to broad groups of people and varying informational specificity depending on the product. And for that purpose I’ve been looking at the left side of the graph (places like these serve as open doors for honing professional abilities and fundamental skills before finding possible niches).

In Gabriel’s class we’ve begun the discussion of thinking about ethical design and the question of how we do that when we fall into lines of work that perpetuate capitalism.

As a designer I would like to learn how to do the least amount of harm. 

So places like Amazon that are aggressive in marketing and profit tracking because all they do is sell and sell and sell don’t interest me as much. Ideally I would like to contribute to services that help people, but realistically I would like somewhere that can provide stability.  All in all I have no really specific passion that I’ve figured out a way to funnel into a design byproduct or project, I’m not like neuroscientists who know what they’ve wanted to do that since they were two.
At this moment I’m just absorbing information as it comes and piecing things together

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