
Blog 5

From my perspective, the visual media program seems more generalized. They seem to be being taught in a jack-of-all-trades kind of way. I have not had the chance to interact with the visual media students too much this quarter but they seem to be preparing for a wider arrange of work environments. In other words, versatility seems to be more emphasized in their curriculum. I am glad Friday’s class allows us to get to know each other and learn the basics of topics that they are learning about. Even though my knowledge of premiere and after effects is limited, I am glad I now have the language to comfortably talk about these programs. Working with other creatives seems to be about being able to communicate your needs and trusting that a result everyone will be satisfied with is reached. I have learned knowing the basic language of someone else’s line of work is essential to making sure everyone is on the same page. Other than that, I do not have any other major impressions of the visual media program. The few times I have talked to visual media students, I did notice they were very knowledgeable about classic films. They are also really good at breaking down the different components of a scene. Perhaps this is a sign I should reach out more to the visual media students in my Friday pod group. I am looking forward to getting to know more about the visual media program in the next quarter.

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