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Gaming Blog Assignment 1/26

My review is of the new Super Marios Brothers Deluxe video game for the Nintendo Switch.

If you’re familiar with Mario games the mechanics are pretty much the same throughout the series from the original Gameboy to the Switch, the graphics are improved, saved files are improved and it’s a much more seamless experience than it has ever been. The choppiness of the old games make playing on the switch seem like butter which I can definitely appreciate.

You can do multiplayer; have a friend play as Luigi and another as Mario as you graze upon the land that is Mario. Jumping up and down and sharing levels isn’t a new mechanic but it seems new to me because I’ve only played like 3 Mario games in my life.

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Tools I already have in my toolkit:


Access to a printer

Camera that does video

Sh0t-gun microphone

Tools that I have that need improvement:

Sturdy transportable tripod

A better camera that works with 4k and has dual SD card slots

Camera bag that has access to a laptop case

Tools that I need:



Light meter

Screen calibrator

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Assignment 1: AR POSTER

For my poster I used photoshop animation and keyframes to make everything shuffle about the page. I was in Toulouse, France this summer and it was a very friendly city. I had a couple frustrations using photoshop, the lag time was unreal, it kept freezing up on me my and options to move my subject around the page kept vanishing but I did end up with something I like so enjoy!

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AI Image Generator

As you can see, I am an amazing sketch artist!

My Prompt #1

A cubist art piece about a black playful cat playing frisbee in a park on the left side of the image with hundreds of Groudon Pokemon populating the play area and breathing fire while hanging out with their Pokemon trainer in the background. For some reason there’s popcorn flying everywhere.

My Prompt #2

A cubist art piece about a black cat playing frisbee with a person in the park with multiple Groudon Pokemon hanging out and breathing fire in the background. Cinematic lighting and hilly landscape with blue sky and everyone is happy.

My Prompt #3

A black cat playing frisbee in a beautiful park with a multiple Groudons in the background smiling and laughing having a blast and eating popcorn in the background. Image must have Blue sky, cinematic light, Dutch Angle, hilly snowcapped mountains and at least four cats with different colors.

My Image Generator Software:

AI Image Generator (free, no sign-up, unlimited) ― Perchance

  • First time using an AI image generator.
  • Not too familiar with how it works, still learning the intricacies.
  • I’m learning I need to refine my sentences and be very specific about what I want, it looks like the AI image generator completely forgot about my 3 cats and just added one with a bowl of movie theater popcorn in the snow.
  • I found the software easy and intuitive. You can choose between art styles, and orientation of your image but I still see the disconnect between man and machine. It’s like playing telephone with a group of 100 people until it reaches a sketch artist that barely gets the original prompt but still comes up with a “masterpiece”

6/10 is my rating. I would use again but for light work and inspiration, nothing heavy.

Something about art makes me want it from a human, it’s more original and not as replicable as AI art. Although useful and fast it’s really not my cup of tea.