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Last Blog Assignment: Spring

Freedom to express to me means to explore yourself without failure, to try anything and everything that passes through your mind without repercussions. Being creative is hard in such an in demand world, we’re always hustling and bustling to our next destination because we know our time is short and being creative is infinite. I’m a firm believer in “you can do what you want as long as you aren’t hurting nobody, mentality” 

Freedom to explore. Should we be able to explore ourselves and creativity without any reservations? Yes, I’ve enjoyed this and hated it at the same time. I’ve been in college for over ten years exploring classes, degrees, all sorts of things. I have a degree in woodworking, I have a two year degree in tech and computers, I studied music, art and environmental science. It’s been exhausting but I love that I went down those paths because I know what I don’t want to do now. My only regret is not sticking to one thing, but have a stuck to one thing? I think so. I’ve been taking photos through all of that and it’s the only thing I genuinely enjoy. So it’s nice that I had the freedom to explore but I’m ready to buckle down and do what I love. 

Freedom from expectation. We’re social creatures, we’re surrounded by people that each expect a certain thing from you whether it’s your job, family, friends, etc. It’s all different too, everyone knows you as a different person wherever you go. We put on a mask for every single person we meet and seldom true to ourselves. I think it would be a nice feeling to drop all expectations from everyone, everything and society and just be your genuine self no matter how likable or unlikeable we may be

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It’s fun to experiment with tools in the adobe creative cloud that I would have seldom touched asides from the blog assignments. Here’s my jersey made in AI. I’m not too impressed but it’s the best I can do as a non-designer and I definitely don’t want to be a designer but I appreciate the craft. My favorite part of the project is the creative freedom behind adding whatever I want to the jersey within the guidelines of the assignment. The issue I chose to address is climate, the team plays in an area called “climate pledge” so why not design a crappy jersey for the player and actually it would make me laugh if I saw a professional sports player wearing my jersey (not giving any ideas to anyone and I’m definitely not asking someone to make these for a player to wear ha ha haaaaa… maybe). Anyway the climate is important! Saving nature is incredibly beneficial for everyone and everything, the more we go natural the better! I hope this jersey would be made out recycled water bottles or somehow made from dirt. I don’t know but it’s cool to think about.

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