This blog assignment is about using video to talk about a project that you’ve been working on. I created a video talking about the album I worked on for my typography class. I will let the video speak for the rest!
Month: March 2024
Blog Assignment #17 (Winter #10)
This weeks blog assignment involved creating a graphic representation of 6 words, using only 4 black squares. I did all my solutions and sketches by hand- here they are.

For order, I was thinking about standing in line and ordering at a counter, everyone stands close, except the person whose turn it is.
For increase I was thinking about frequency.
Bold I was thinking about a group that breaks the form of the square while having a strong, angular, upward movement.
Congested I wanted to kind of look like a bunch of squares struggling to move left. This one was hard to show the closeness without the squares merging and becoming another shape.
Tension is represented by one square drifting away from the group, or vice versa.
Playful is shown with this up and down movement.
Blog Assignment #15 (Winter #8)
Inventing Shoes – ToolTrekkers
For this weeks blog assignment we invented shoes! These shoes have a superpower for design students. Introducing ToolTrekkers, the shoes that will never leave you stranded without the supplies you need for your next great design.