Design System Field Trip

Design systems are rad. Why? Because they establish rules for a shared visual language so that creatives can work more quickly and seamlessly. The practice of using a well-built design system can save teams tons of time. The top three probably most recognizable design systems belong to Microsoft, Apple, and Google. So, this morning I visited:

Apple’s HIG

Microsoft’s Fluent 2

Google Material Design

Apple’s HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) and Microsoft’s Fluent 2, have swapped color palettes. As someone who has been using both design systems for a long time, I HATE THIS. I may be hyper sensitive, but it is also very off-putting to land on an all black interface or all white interface. Material is the latest version of Google’s open-source design system and is my favorite because it is the easiest to navigate. I am not sure if it is because I am getting old, but the mid range of tones is much easier on the eye. 

Which reminds me, I still need to find an optometrist.

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