
New Media: Week 4

Captain’s Log

Star Date: 10.27.2022

and we have transversed the great infinite vastness of space playing out our meager, transitory, and ultimately irrelevant lives on a spinning rock hurdling through a galaxy with so many stars we don’t have a number large enough to count them among an equally infinite number of galaxies like ours in a universe, perhaps a multiverse, that we cannot begin to really fathom with our minds just so some people can wallow in fear, anxiety, and an indifference to living with a “maybe” instead of Living with “yes” or a “no” as one can only forge destiny as a sword is forged with a will that’s more than just knowing thyself, but more of a becoming of who you are and what you’ll be apart of because everything is so much bigger than oneself and the ego, no matter what it tells you, and we will never know where we are until we try to get there and realize that revaluation and affirmation with the self is a good start but paired with the bonds and accomplishments of a community it becomes a better way of the world that spins through the limitless void toward hope and a greater purpose even in this absurdist Land of the Lotus-Eaters where saying “yes” to that rave, “yes” to that date, “yes” to playing with your child, “yes” to that walk with your partner, “yes” to that job you’re unqualified for, “yes” to that graphic design program at 37 years old (answering the blog assignment lol), and “yes” to Life instead of a “maybe” to indifference, is a revolutionary act so when the trumpets sound, the mountains fade to nothing, and the oceans boil in a billion years, nothing will matter so, in the end, what will it matter if you say “yes” or “rock ‘n’ roll🤙🏼” or “what the fuck?!” or


New Media: Week 3

Captain’s Log

Star Date: 10.18.2023

According to the Info Density/Audience graph that was presented by Joe Hallock, I would most likely want to be somewhere in the middle of the graph (with some projects to the bottom-left of the graph and then some to the top right).

As an aspiring graphic designer, I’ve wanted to professionally get into a field where visual arts and graphic communication meet: like environmental graphic design. It has been my understanding that environmental graphic design would be designing a space (e.g. a retail pop-up or a museum exhibit) where the walls, the fixtures, and a lot of the space is curated to create a certain atmosphere or experience. This would include wayfinding. On the graph, I would consider this pretty close to the center of the graph (near where the example of “Museum Exhibit” is labeled) and would include the bottom-left part of the graph as well (near where “Road Signs” is labeled).

On the side of my professional career, through freelancing, I’ve wanted to make event posters for my friend’s/community’s events. This would be closer to the center of the graph and to the right (as the posters would be for a specific audience).

I would also aspire to donate my time and skills to various organizations or non-profits that may need event posters, visual design, infographics, and/or various things. Maybe for protests or for fundraising. Depending on the organization and the time I can invest/donate, I’d love to be apart of a cause that is dear to me.

After graduating from the program, I suppose I’ll see what sort of jobs/careers are actually available; it’s also possible I won’t be able to get into the career I desire until I’ve gone through enough positions to build the necessary résumé/portfolio. But for now, this is what it’s looking like.

An example of environmental graphic design.


New Media: Week 2

Captain’s Log

Star Date: 10.13.2022

For my media mash-up, I created a few title cards in Adobe Illustrator (the first and last 2) for the video footage that I recorded myself and a synthwave track (because it matched the vibe) to represent my day-in-the-life experience so far at the SCCA.

I edited and compiled the entire film in Adobe Premiere Pro. This was my first time using the software. I’ve messed around with other video editing software before (and have been working in the After Effects module in New Media) and watched a basics tutorial on YouTube so I picked up the necessities pretty fast. I’m a cinephile so I figured this would be the most fun route for this project.

I mostly wanted to show that the program is primarily a huge future-affirming stepping-stone for me and being in the program is basically making my desires reality. Considering the level of chaos it takes to go to college in a runaway capitalist hellscape (cue the Blade Runner reference) like the United States, (multiple) daily affirmations are definitely a thing for me lol

Thank you and hope you enjoy it!