
New Media Q2: Week 3

Captain’s Log

Star Date: 01.26.2023

I’ve a few what-if projects I’d like to achieve at some point in the future: an unconventional sci-fi short story semi-graphic novel, maybe writing/directing a film one day, producing events that marry cinema and DJ sets (which I’ve done before the pandemic), and creating a co-op of artists (or graphic designers) that produce work for nonprofits or similar organizations along with being apart of various communities.

I’d say the personal project that needs to happen before all that is constructing and publishing my personal website.

I want to have it completed by the end of the current quarter so I can have it ready when I start applying for internships for the summer. It’s basically going to be my portfolio. As of right now, I’m considering having maybe 3 different sections: 1. My school projects, 2. My projects I’ve done outside school (mostly for events), and 3. Any professional work I’ll eventually do.

I already bought the domain name. I just need to construct it in Dreamweaver and figure out how to actually put it up on the internet. So far the domain name costs a small yearly fee via Google. I suppose we’ll see what other fees pop up as it’s being constructed… like having a personal email address? We shall see.


Erik test


New Media Q2: Week 2

Captain’s Log

Star Date: 01.19.2023

“Forethought we may have, undoubtedly, but not foresight.” -Napoleon Bonaparte

I’d say most things never fully go to plan. It either comes down to contingencies or a preemptive mindset re-frame/comfort shift.

This week I was working on structuring a website for our Interactive class. My laptop updated. I had gotten far enough along, but Dreamweaver crashed after moving a folder around. It wasn’t able to recover.

Definitely wasn’t a happy moment. I decided to call it a night and see if I could figure it out in the morning… otherwise frustration would not let me sleep.

In the morning, I couldn’t figure out how to recover it still. I went to class, I ended up being late, and my team didn’t do any of the work (they were presuming I would’ve done all of it lol) so we didn’t have anything to present in the morning for our progress… I started fresh and was able to catch up by the end of class. Everything was fine. Tout va bien. Rock ‘n’ roll.

It’s always fine, at the end of the day. We are still alive. For the most part, I’ll just need to try and build in some extra time for mishaps and misfortunes. I’m sure there will be plenty this quarter.