
New Media Q2: Week 7

Captain’s Log

Star Date: 02.23.2023

“The greatest teacher failure is” – Yoda

I’m usually pretty great at problem solving and making things work. Sometimes I just need a mindset shift after some things don’t go to plan and I figure it’s good enough and communicates enough of what the outcome was supposed to be.

This was the case for an installation I did recently for an event. The outcome was not what I was hoping for, but it was fine… it was enough and did the job.

For event installations, the design is usually only up for one night and you only get a certain amount of time to install the night of the event. The installation also needs to be transportable.

This last installation involved 2 pieces (was originally going to be 3, but couldn’t install one because the sound people were taking up the area that I was going to use)… one of the pieces was pretty successful for the most part and did its job and was the most memorable. The second piece was the most time consuming to install and the end result was… fine… but that could just me being hard on myself.

There were a lot of factors that changed during the event (lighting, fixtures shifting from use, etc.) that affected the overall effect of the installation, but while installing, it made me realize how much under-developed my concept was in regards to the physical installation. Also, the take down of the installation made me realize how unsustainable it was (a lot of the elements were thrown away).

What I learned: go into an endeavor with a more simplified concept that will have a greater impact. And try to use more sustainable/reusable materials as much as possible; it’ll cut down on the cost and may help other installations in the future if you’re able to 1. get better with the same materials, and 2. some of the materials are already ready to install.


New Media Q2: Week 6

Captain’s Log

Star Date: 02.09.2023

Hard and soft skills.

Top 3 hard skills:

  • Managing people.
  • Customer service.
  • Experiential design (installations).

Top 3 soft skills:

  • Decision-making.
  • Communication.
  • Adaptability (problem-solving).

I’ve worked a variety of jobs and freelance gigs where the work was done efficiently, on time, morale was maintained, and spaces were kept relatively organized and clean.

My job before the program was a manager at a nonprofit. We packaged thousands of meals (millions since the beginning of the pandemic) on a daily/weekly basis. I had to ensure that the entire operation ran smoothly, the people in need got the food they were supposed to get, and all the dietary restrictions were met. The work itself was rather physical and monotonous for the people I managed. Beyond the paperwork, I ensured that every person employed there felt respected, experienced great communication, and was able to do their job in a safer/harm-reduced space.

Within the same organization I was a supervisor in the youth program. So not only did I have to manage employees, I had to manage the young adults that were in the program in a cafe setting that served the public (customers).

Before the nonprofit, I’ve worked in a variety of food establishments and did retail/merchandising in flagship stores like Banana Republic and Levi’s in San Francisco.

On the side, within my community, I’ve created a good amount of installations for events over the last 8 years or so. Some are murals, large-scale paintings, sculptural elements, lighting, and experiential decor. A lot of which necessitated a good amount of problem-solving as some installations could only be installed a few hours before the event.

I’ve also hosted and promoted a few events of my own in venues and managed all that goes with doing that successfully.

Hard skills to develop:

  • Design program proficiency.
  • AI-generator proficiently.

Soft skills to develop:

  • Ability to present my ideas more clearly.
  • Organizational skills.

I want to eventually marry my experiential experience with my design education. This could manifest in a variety of ways, but I’m planning on using the main Adobe programs, Figma, and AI generators after the program.

Wherever I procure a job, I want to ensure that I’m able to give my best and be able to not only keep up with the industry, but be apart of its future, too.

The main goal is to able to support my community in ways I have not been able to before. Like donating my design skills for nonprofits or organizations. So developing these skills would not only make me a better designer, they would make me a better component of my community, as well.


New Media Q2: Week 4

Captain’s Log.

Star Date: 02.05.2023

Here’s my elevator pitch:

“Hi, my name is Shane Warnick. I’m a graphic designer that specializes in experiential design. I’m exploring opportunities in creating connection within communities, especially marginalized communities. So basically, trying to make the world a better place with my skills.”