
New Media: Week 6

Captain’s Log

Star Date: 11.17.2022

I’m in the graphic design program… but as a cinephile, I’d probably feel more at home learning about the cinema. I used to take classes in screenwriting back when I lived in SF. Took some other film classes as well and made some shorts for them. Cinematography and editing are the language of the cinema so I’ve great interest in those especially.

At some point, it’d be great to be apart of some film production or even be a producer of some sort. If I had my way, I’d write and direct within a co-op crew of people (a small group of people with similar visions and the ability to play to each others’ strengths) to create films together. Bringing different perspectives and all of their resources (all different kinds) into play to ensure work gets produced and released. Perhaps it’s the old bohemian in me, but I think it would be possible. I’m the right time and place, people are capable of anything.

Going into graphic design, my main goal would be to collaborate with Criterion Collection to create artwork for their releases. Or even to create posters for newly released movies. Both would be passion projects. It would be great to also collaborate with local production companies to see what can be done in that realm, as well. Pretty much anything film related would be at the very least interesting to be involved with.

Unfortunately I don’t really get the chance to actually interact with the visual design students. We don’t usually have much time to socialize in class or after. I wear some cinephiliac shirts sometimes that the film students comment on, but that’s usually the extent. Someone suggested we open the blog posts to a more open forum that would allow all of us to see them and interact with each other in that forum.

I’m sure there will be a time I might be able to collaborate with the visual media film students. I’m sure that we could all learn a lot from each other. I’m sure some opportunities could come about. I’m sure we could have a damned good time doing it, too. We shall see.

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