
XR Module: App Review

I started by Googling what VR/AR apps were out there. Some cool ones were only VR (like Google Earth VE) so I had to narrow my search, but found some pretty fun AR apps like IKEA Place and Sky Guide. But the one that really caught my attention was Civilisations AR.

BBC did a pretty great job creating an assessable AR museum one can visit right in your own living room. Would be pretty cool to use right in the classroom for history or art classes.

The spinning globe is a pretty great orientation point. I also like how you can look inside certain artifacts like seeing the mummy inside of a sarcophagus. it’s also pretty cool all you need is a flat surface so you can place some of the objects on a bookshelf or table as if they’re right there.

I was trying to embed a shortened video that I made into this blog post, but WordPress didn’t like that so you get a generic pic lol

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