
Failed to deliver

There has been many times where I have failed at something. The most recent one was at SCCA. A little back story, I did great my first quarter! I had things under control and felt confident. It was a lot of work but I had my system and routine that worked for me. I delivered quality work for a first year student with no experience as far as effort goes… Well everything changed this second quarter for me.

In the second week of school I had a loss in the family. It was sudden and tragic and it really changed me. I felt ready for this quarter until that moment when I got the terrible phone call. I felt my world turn upside down and had to finish up my first project for Jason’s class that I had procrastinated on and left for the last minute. I was very overwhelmed and just tried my best but delivered something not as great as I would normally do. I guess I felt like I failed because I hold high standards for myself and know that I am capable of more. I also couldn’t make the excuse of me grieving because well the reality is I had enough time before the loss occurred.

It took some pep talk and advice from loved ones to realize I was being too hard on myself. Even if that project was a failure I still tried my best during one of the hardest experiences. I guess the biggest lesson I learned was to communicate what is going on to be better understood. I also learned that sometimes things out of our control happen and we just have to accept them and go through the emotions and motions. I have learned to communicate and to never leave something for the last minute. Procrastination makes easy things hard and hard things harder!

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