
Who Am I?

Who are you: I am a student studying in Visual Media.

What do you want to do: I want to be a Commentary/Filmmaker social media influencer.

Why: Because it’s been something I’ve wanting to pursue since I was a child.

Where do you want to go: Florida and keep following my passion.

What would you want to say: “Never give up, follow your passion for what you want to pursue in.”



So I had an idea for a cut video where we could possibly do a little conversation practices. Where anyone who has trouble starting up conversations with people will practice with one other person to build up conversation skills.

I feel like it might be a good cut video.


Exploring The Metaverse

When I attended the Taco Bell Metaverse event, I thought it was an interesting experience. Because for one, everything is so cool. It’s almost like your in a different world. One thing to add, is that with the Metaverse it’s also pretty interesting when you meet people there. It feels like a good place to make friends and hangout. But other that, it was very fun, and I enjoyed it.