
Blog Assignment #7


Blog Assignment 5

The plan of this motion is to create a nice flow of a stream of Canned soda water, (Don’t worry not much was wasted because I drank the rest of it).

But what could’ve worked better was pouring into a glass, however I learned overall that soda water stream is satisfying to look at in slow motion.


Blog Assignment 4

For the Big Bang buck event, there should be a lot of pop culture event type stuff, including fun theatre plays as well for people to watch. I genuinely think that it could be a two sided event, due to it having a lot of potential.

Another thing to add, is that it has a lot of good activity when it comes to theatre plays and pop culture and I think it this could appeal to the younger audience, timeline could be Feb 5th, budget would be 30,000 grand. And lastly, the people size could be around 500.

So I generally think, if Seattle Creative Academy does this event for Big Bang buck. This is are the two events that could suit for it.