
Blog Assignment #1

What gives you hope?


Who Am I?

Who are you: I am a student studying in Visual Media.

What do you want to do: I want to be a Commentary/Filmmaker social media influencer.

Why: Because it’s been something I’ve wanting to pursue since I was a child.

Where do you want to go: Florida and keep following my passion.

What would you want to say: “Never give up, follow your passion for what you want to pursue in.”



So I had an idea for a cut video where we could possibly do a little conversation practices. Where anyone who has trouble starting up conversations with people will practice with one other person to build up conversation skills.

I feel like it might be a good cut video.


Exploring The Metaverse

When I attended the Taco Bell Metaverse event, I thought it was an interesting experience. Because for one, everything is so cool. It’s almost like your in a different world. One thing to add, is that with the Metaverse it’s also pretty interesting when you meet people there. It feels like a good place to make friends and hangout. But other that, it was very fun, and I enjoyed it.


Experience Factor: (Creating and Foster Trust with the client)

Back in 2019, I was with working with a three online friends of mine and we four including me, ran a YouTube channel all together. And we’d always record video productions and then send them to one of them that was the owner of the channel to edit them and post them.

But one time, the owner of the Channel that was my online friend, told me to create a thumbnail for a video that we made. So I said yeah, but then as time went on, I didn’t do the thumbnail that he asked me to, so he said “hey, how is the thumbnail going?” I told them, that I was working on it and it was almost done. But when I finally gave it to him, he didn’t like it, so he ended up doing the thumbnail himself.

To this day, I still think about it. And the important part from this that I want to remember if I end up working for a company is that you should always update your client or boss about what’s going on and keep in contact so that they know your not slacking off and your actually doing the work.


Hard And Soft Skills

My top three hard skills are:

1: Visual learner

2: Being in small groups

3: Doing work on my own

My top soft skills are:

1: Making thumbnails

2: Creating Content

3: Animating Stuff

These skills are what me the most, because it benefits me to get work done and help reach my goals.

My top two soft skills and two hard skills that I want to develop for the next year in SCCA are:

1: Communicate with the Instructors

2: Make a plan with the Instructors too, in case if something isn’t working out.

3: Keep up with listing goals I want to make

4: Giving myself time to do assignments

These skills will help me a lot because I’m Autistic and have Auditory Processing Disorder too. So these kinds of skills will definitely help me a ton for next year and after I graduate too.


Personal Elevator Pitch/Introduction


My name is Tenzin, I’m currently studying for an associate’s degree in Visual Media at Seattle Central College. I’m interested in doing a internship for Amazon, because I’ve always been interested in videography since I was in Elementary School, I learned about how to edit and other kinds of skills as well.

I’d love to learn more about opportunities in Amazon. Is it ok if we could set up a meeting to talk about opportunities for any position?


Personal Project Blog

A personal project I’d like to make is a short film animation, what I’d like to gain out from it is, entertainment and an audience.

It would take months and months of editing and animating to do, plus HIRING actors and writing scripts. It may seem SUPER hard, but I want to do it.

I would need Adobe after effects and using Vegas pro 18 too, plus OBS and Adobe audition.

This project could maybe cost up to $100 or $50 depending on how many actors I hire.


Creative Academy Project Experience

So throughout the fall quarter and the beginning of the winter quarter. The projects that I’ve been making in Visual Media, have been extremely fun to do and they really helped boost my confidence too.

While I’ve been making projects for Visual Media, I’ve had my fair share of times when things don’t go the way it goes or sometimes I say I want to quit over a small issue but I don’t end up quitting. Because no matter what happens, I will always keep going and going because I am not a quitter, I will keep pushing through and work my way up to success.

I’ve even my had fair share of projects from Visual Media that I didn’t expect to turn into success, I sometimes thought that it wasn’t going to be a success. But it turns out it is.


Food PhotoGraphy Blog

I choose to photograph these butter croissants because not only do I enjoy eating them, but my dad loves them as-well. So if me and my dad love these croissants, then there is a possibility that many others will enjoy them too.

I used photoshop to digital this image because I wanted it to look nice and clean, so that way it will give off a nice looking vibe to it as well. Other than that, butter croissants are AMAZING!