
Blog Assignment 2

One day, I decided to bring all the savings to photography and learn the joys in life. To learn to love people, love nature and empathize more. Something I didn’t realize for many years instead of just going around and not having any favorite things.

People can spend all day talking about photography. I find that photography focuses on sentimental people. Maybe they are just like me. When living with hobbies. We are more likable than ever.

I find it easier to talk to, much easier to empathize with. People can spend all day talking about photography. I find that photography focuses on sentimental people. Maybe they are just like me. When living with hobbies. We are more likable than ever.

I study day in and day out. When I don’t have money, I join free courses. After this, there is some income from photography. I take better courses. I am willing to run far away to listen to the teaching of the master. A lot of knowledge on this site.

I believe I will learn everything without anyone reminding us. Currently, there are many skills that I have not perfected. But that’s okay, just take the time. Sooner or later it will be over. A few years ago, I didn’t even know how to open the camera, change lenses, write articles, make web and video. But then, I learned it all. Just from the love of photography. Not good now, no problem. When you really want it, it’s fine. It takes time and I am willing to learn.

I’m willing to quit my job to spend time with it. I find that the price to pay for freedom is well worth it. Since knowing the fun days on the road of photography. I will not just keep doing my job and leave photography. I just enjoy it and live my life. I have had a dream for a long time.

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