
Blog Assignment 6

A catwalk.

As you can see. It is just an emotional cat face walking outside the street. I know it’s ugly. But I felt so happy to be confident in drawing because I knew I was scared a lot when people asked me to draw something. When I realized that drawing is really helpful to relax because you can draw whatever you want no matter if it’s beautiful or ugly. Somehow when I realized that I really like to draw a lot. I’m drawing a cat emotional with a chilling vibe and it took my stress out after a long day’s work. Since I started working from midnight till early morning. I have many stresses in my life and a lot of bad things. Drawing like a healing mind, and creative whatever you want. Everything is worth it if it could make you happy and always keep positive in your life!


Blog Assignment 5

Graphics Design
Graphics Design is the art by using elements to deliver this work of art. To simplify a person doing posters, images, book covers, and magazines by computer. They are using Adobe Illustrators and Photoshop to make a great project.
Today, everyone is using technology 4.0. Everything was working are quickly and fast delivery. Any product combines between how creative and ability to using tool for business, advertisement brand, and inspired. What I know is if you proficient by using tool. You already have 50% to have a good art. for 3D, in this area. You must have a skillful for a bit and sketching image because you need to draw an illustrator, drawing concept or character. Hand drawing is a requirements skill for 3D. There are many companies they need design for brand such as Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, and other clothing brand, etc.…. A graphics Design you can find out anywhere to get a job and good benefits. For freelance they work individuals time they could earn more than regular price. To understand more about graphics design. At the present, you never stop learning a new lesson and give you have knowledge. You always have to update for trending and make a better project. Sometimes, any big projects to make you headache and struggle during working on. But with your confident and knowledge you have you can go through. In my opinion, you have to love what you are doing is not just you studied to get a major and done. Every single art we have meaning and soulful. We can’t not be great artists if we don’t like what we are doing. we draw. We have to learn more about code to build a website. Write a code to help you to express the coder’s thoughts. In general, is it not harder to reach than you thought. If you feel it is hard to chase your career. You can sit back and think about some influencers and how they make it worth and grow their value. They just don’t give up with their choice. For some people I know, they work at a company from 9 – 5pm and the deadline is like daily work for them. After they go home, they read a book and take a rest, but often stay up until midnight to finish an individual project. In my opinion, I always like to work at midnight because it makes it easy for us to think about what we are doing, and it is a silent place to focus on our project.
Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.” — Paul Rand, graphic designer
I keep this in my mind every time to push me to have a good vibe to doing projects. Anything related to design. They each have a meaning and background story of each. Creative is not a measure. It is just how you feel it and enjoy it. Good luck to everyone who is studying design and will be successful in the future.


Blog Assignment 1

Bring Positively for Everyone

This shoot I took last 2 years ago. At that time, I was new with landscape photography. I do not know nothing about landscape. For one day, my brother told me to go outside take a shoot a sunrise and I realize that I don’t expect as landscape is a work and figure my passion. Since COVID Pandemic, I was scared to go outside to meet people and day by day I was stress out. At this time also to help me refresh mindset and learn more about landscape. I spent 6 months for lessons to make better shoot. When I got a moon with full details. I was really happy and made me keep going landscape. I can’t believe that people are in my group, so proud of me and positive for everyone out there. I appreciated my brother a lot for letting me out of my comfort zone and being a landscape today!