
Blog Assignment 2 – Winter

An experience of creative academy

I feel so strange when I see many materials such as lighting from the studio and lab from design when I started the first quarter. It has been through process by computer and arrangement from both sides. When I started my program, which is Visual Media. I thought that it was just bringing a camera and learning basic things. But when I sit back and look at seniors doing their project. I was a little nervous because at that time I had a first assignment about my program, and I wondered why they had to set up so much stuff. It was just an image. But when I started my project, Everything was not what I expected. I am getting bad grades for the first assignment even though my classmates all have a better grade. I had self-esteem because my background was as a landscape photographer. I still remember that my project is so much darker than coals even though my professors need that to be in focus and have soft-light even though I didn’t know how to use a soft-box. And I have a chance to reshoot my project again. Whenever I have been talking to my professors, he said, “Grade is not a problem, whenever you know how to do it step by step. Your creativity will be explosive. It just needs more time to practice again and again.”. I am concerned that when you have a chance to gain experience, it is not useless. It just makes you more confident when you have to deal with any project. I know I’m so slotted because I can’t acquire knowledge fast enough. So, when I went home, I searched on YouTube for an influencer and professional photographer by my ethnic. I watched how to set up a lighting studio anytime when I was free, even when I was in my workplace. Then I reshoot it and complete as requested by the professor. Whenever my professors review, I receive positive feedback. I was so happy at that time, and it kept me on fire and motivated me. Even though I was a landscape photography, but these things keep push me study hard and become a more holistic photographer.

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