
Blog Assignment 3 – Winter

My personal project I want to reach for everyone is to make an Asian tour and catch moments which relate to nature. Such as mountains, the milky way, sunset, sunrise, and moon in any single place. Can be understood in a simple and understandable way, nature includes air, climate, water resources, natural resources, flora and fauna, geographical factors. I was a person who started my career in Landscape Photography. I want to bring my image and share it for the National Geographic channel and everyone’s feelings in every single image I make. There is not much photoshop. It just brings some curves to highlight for more details in the image. I want to keep everything natural.

My timeline I have been set up is next year. This is my second year but I decided to take a break and do my project and also learn how to communicate well in Seattle which is where I live now. It gonna take me a whole year to do whole series. In each every country I’m gonna spent at least 2 or 3 days for set up.

For things I need. I have to adapt to any place I want to travel. Also, I will bring my partner, who is my brother, to help me out. If I would like to do a video. I need a director to do a short film.

I can’t figure out exactly how much it costs to produce. But since some countries do not cost much to live. I would like to have $20.000 for 12 months.

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