
Blog Assignment 5 – Winter

Since I started the SCCA Program. I found 3 hard skills and 3 soft skills that are my strongest things I have done.

The reason I list all of my skills is to demonstrate to everyone what I learned from professor, and seniors.

Hard skills are often understood as knowledge and practices of a technical and professional nature. are often trained in schools, institutes, through regular courses, often very long, starting from basic knowledge and skills at school. Here are 3 things I have been done for hard skills

  • Create a solid knowledge base for individuals
  • Support to increase productivity and work efficiency
  • Bringing clear promotion opportunities, worthy of ability.

Soft skills are related to human personality. as the ability to integrate, interact with society, community, and collective.

Here are 3 things I have been done for soft skills

  • Problem-solving skill
  • Motivation
  • Crisis Management

There are 2 hard skills I want to improvement during I studied SCCA are :

  • Generate income
  • Some hard skills need to be accessed through relevant tests or certifications.

and 2 soft skills are :

  • Time management
  • Self-discipline

A reason why I would benefit from being stronger in these areas because in my opinion that is a responsibility for every single person. It is not when I have to join a program and I have to reach these requirements. It also applies everywhere, and anytime in your life!

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