My name is Tian. What should I say. I was a landscape photographer for 2 years. To be honest, I just want to share my gallery into National Geographic because once I get there, everyone will recognition from relatives and people around the world that I too can become one of the most soulful landscapes in US, and Vietnam. I always thinking about my country which is Vietnam. To capture in Vietnam was not easy but I believe that I could bring something which landscape around my country, and US. I would want to say thank you to my parents which is giving me a chance for doing my dream. I would never give up. I will proof that I could being a best photographer in Seattle. I would not let my parents be disappointed in me! Good luck to you, Tian.
Month: March 2023
Blog Assignment 8
I think I would be choosing :”What is the journey of second years of SCC”. I hope I can have a conversational video similar to a video from CUT made :” Truth or Dare”. That made it interesting for me because I know that second years have been going through 18 months to finish their portfolio with many challenges. It also brings the first year and second years of SCCA close together. There is one quote I felt like to relate to all of the students from SCC that is “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein. If we have more experience and journey from second years that would be awesome to strive for.
I felt my idea was gonna be easier to do because bring everyone to broadcast and share experience to capture everyone
It is a value for every single student who is new.
So my question is :
How would you describe yourself when you started at SCC?
What are some of the things you enjoy doing at SCC?
What is the most important thing you are working at SCC or want to accomplish in your life right now?
Blog Assignment 7
Explore Taco Bell Metaverse Wedding
After in touch Taco Bell metaverse app. I have had some fun in the app and here is an experience I have been touched by.
For the first part. When I’m trying to log in as a guest. After I filled out everything to get on site. It was lagging a little bit or maybe my graphics card on my computer did not work really well. Also, I’m crashing and I have to refresh my website a few times. Once I get logged into the app I see positive things. The sounds, and the character they make it was great!. I like that I could choose custom clothes without cost anything!. It sounds like they are working really well and more than I expected. I have been interesting with their keyboard guide and It was so easy to use, and a keyboard they working It is similar with some FPS game I have been played before so I can easy to touching when I access into a wedding show. But I was confused why they have a small bar gambling at weddings. I don’t expect this to be potential as an advertisement. There are some issues they have to fix once they are done. They could make that for advertising before investing tons of money in tools by many issues. This probably could work for entertainment because It doesn’t require too much to access and log in to tools once they get feedback they could change that in the future.