
Blog Assignment 8

I think I would be choosing :”What is the journey of second years of SCC”. I hope I can have a conversational video similar to a video from CUT made :” Truth or Dare”. That made it interesting for me because I know that second years have been going through 18 months to finish their portfolio with many challenges. It also brings the first year and second years of SCCA close together. There is one quote I felt like to relate to all of the students from SCC that is “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein. If we have more experience and journey from second years that would be awesome to strive for.

I felt my idea was gonna be easier to do because bring everyone to broadcast and share experience to capture everyone

It is a value for every single student who is new.

So my question is :

How would you describe yourself when you started at SCC?

What are some of the things you enjoy doing at SCC?

What is the most important thing you are working at SCC or want to accomplish in your life right now?

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