
Blog Assignment 7

The way I create creativity and imagination is through sadness and sarcasm from those around me. Every project I work on now, I use the sad stories I have experienced to share with the community. Because emotions are places that touch the hearts of viewers. I use what’s most honest and I empathize with the stories people around me like me have experienced. The shocks, the blows from the loved ones around me, the impact was an indescribable emotion and I used the footage to say all the words from myself that were difficult to say. Letting go of the sadness from myself for me was a precious fantasy of it. The inner self of every human being has limits. Going beyond my limits is the key to unleashing everything I have to create into a video or a picture. Creating and touching people’s emotions has been a success for me. Because there are things, we may be sad, but the people around us can empathize with them. It is a certain success that not everyone wants to be able to do. There are people who haven’t experienced it that have led to bad things happening. I was also glad when someone told me that. Your story conveys to a lot of those people. Sometimes things have happened, but viewers can moderate and gain a lot of experience after watching my product. Sometimes things have happened, but viewers can moderate themselves and get a lot of experience after watching my processing.

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