My teammates were great peers to work with! We are all graphic designers and were a little worried about this project because we didn’t know how to work with camera equipment. We all decided to brainstorm on what brief we could come up with from our three sticky notes, Delbruk the bartender, a golf club, and the line “Show me the money!”. We were throwing out ideas until one just stuck. One of my teammates Elan mentioned it being Western-themed and we all loved that idea. Once we got approved we decided to use our abilities on what we’re best at as an advantage, which is illustrations. Using animations had us very excited about how creative we could get in making this short film so we brainstormed more on how our vision can come to life. What went well was all of us having roles assigned and then coming together and joining our ideas. We all participated in making the storyboard on a whiteboard and then splitting which teammate did what to achieve the story. We went to a restaurant that had a bar that gave the Western look and feel. We filmed our intro there and I loved how even though we didn’t know how to manage a camera both of my teammates encouraged me and affirmed that I was doing great. It’s important for your team to uplift you in any circumstance when you feel hesitant about something you think you’re not best at and that’s what my teammates did which was helpful a lot. Overall they did an amazing job communicating and being there for one another and made sure we all had equal amounts of work without someone doing the heavy lifting. I was really happy with the results of our film I always imagined making an animation video and this happened to be the opportunity and I’m grateful for that.