Tools that I currently have are organization skills It’s a key tool to have in general with anything to organize your things and your thoughts. Another tool that I have is my iPad it helped me express more in my arts and crafts since everything is digital I can make as many drawings as I can and it has helped me grow as an artist. Lastly, My friends and peers have helped me grow as a designer and inspired me to be more creative and think outside the box! Tools I have that I need more development is time management even though I can stay organized time does get in the way of things and finding a way to keep up with my time management skills will help me improve a lot! A tool that I don’t have but need to learn is how to drive I’ve always tried to avoid getting my license due to anxiety but getting my license will make so many things easier for me to get around and explore a lot as well. Another tool that I don’t have but need to learn is to edit videos even though I’m a designer on the side I love to make videos but I want to perfect my skill as an editor and having that as a tool would be key to becoming a good editor and open a new branch to use as a graphic designer as well.