
Blog assignment #6

Art inspired by my Mother.

Every spring, my mom would prepare her garden for the arrival of her beloved mariflower. She’d spend hours meticulously tending to the soil, making sure it was rich and fertile, ready to nurture the delicate blooms. As soon as the weather warmed, she’d plant the seeds with a careful hand. I was helping her as well.

Throughout the summer, my mom’s garden became a vibrant oasis, with the mariflower stealing the show. It was as if each bloom held a piece of her heart, each petal a testament to her love for gardening and nature.

I remember spending countless afternoons with her in the garden, surrounded by the beauty of the mariflower. I never understood her love to those flowers but i felt like the colors were so warm and happy. We’d sit together, admiring the blooms and chatting about everything under the sun. It was in those moments that I truly understood the joy and peace that gardening brought to her.

I dedicated this Concept of designing staircase to her and the memories we had together.

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