
Blog Assignment #1 Spring Quarter 2024

I visited 3 of the folowing websites:

1. Google Material Design

2. Apple Human Interface Guidelines

3. Microsoft Fluent Design System


In Google Material Design is the latest version of Google’s open-source design system, made for design and build beautiful, usable products with Material. In their Website I noticed:

  • The have structure of hierarchy from the left to the right. So on the left they have the Ikons for home, get started, develop, styles, foundation, blog, etc. For User experience that decision were made based that reader tends to read from left to right.
  • Google using the iconography to make it more interactive and visual , easy to read and navigate on the website.
  • They are using beautiful pleasing to eye graphic design images as well as repetitive sets of rounded squares, cards. Made the design feel unite and predictable, meaning you can notice they are using same set of styles
  • Google also let the user know that they have they sets of fonts and they have link which forwards you to the google font page.
  • The building blocks of all UI elements are very cohesive and good looking.
  • also they have their coding system explained.


The HIG contains guidance and best practices that can help you design a great experience for any Apple platform.

On this platform my observation was:

  • The design on a website has a ot of room, and their information layout stay close to the center. I think because user vision constrain on the center first, so the use containers to constrain information in the center.
  • they use smaller boxes in their layouts, more like the actual ikons, it gives that feeling at list.
  • in comparison with Google, which uses more light color pallets and more soft, apple uses more vibrant color on their sets of imageries.


Microsoft’s design system, enabling more seamless collaboration and creativity than ever. Move fluidly from design to development, between apps, and across platforms.

  • Using mix of vibrant colors in their images, giving you more interactive and engaging experience. The color palet on the imagery not consistent. But over all it make me feel excited, i like those images.
  • they have less body copy , information then Apple(Had a lot of text) which make it easy to get a sense of their product.
  • they also use containers to show all body copy more on the center vas well as a rounded corner windows/ layout boxes.

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